Selasa, 04 November 2008

Change Has Come to America!

Fantastic! Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. As he said in front of more than tens of thousands of supporters in Election Nights in Grant Park in downtown Chicago several minutes ago, "Change has come!" Now he become a symbol of the US as a real of democratic state, the first blackman president of the US. Change we can believe in, yes we can! Congratulation Obama, God bless you!

7 komentar:

Meita Nahar mengatakan...

Obama is a nice guy and a decent man.
He has proven to the world that there is nothing possible if we can do anything conscientiously.

” Yes we Can !”.

Big Congrat Obama. GBU

Fadhilah H mengatakan...

thanx for ur comment. i would love to write about my trip to india, but seems like i need to allocate more time reading guidelines nowadays, for my SOPs. i'll write later, in future.

Mohamad Farez Abdul Karim mengatakan...


dari semua Anak2 Bumi..

Unknown mengatakan...

thank's for comment,
ahahahaha, benar sekali, semoga saja pemerintah indonesia jangan cuma bisa komentar2 saja terhadap obama, tetapi juga menjadikan obama sebagai salah satu teladan mereka untuk mengayomi rakyat, bukan buat mengayomi kantong mereka sendiri! ahahaha

ISTORIE mengatakan...

Congrats to Obama.Hope he can change America best wishes for him.

vaya mengatakan...


seorang pemerhati sos pol rupanyah..

salam kenaalll...

tengkyu komennya! :D

fotona bagus tu.. :p

Falishaa mengatakan...

ini adnan siapa ? hehe